2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

BASF Receives Approval for New Fungicide Seed Treatment

Cindy Zimmerman

basfCharter® F2 fungicide seed treatment has received registration from the Environmental Protection Agency, according to BASF Crop Protection.

basf“Charter F2 combines the benefits of Charter® fungicide seed treatment and AcquireTM fungicide seed treatment for convenience of use and excellent seed safety whether applied on-farm or commercially,” said Chris Exton, Marketing Manager, Seed Treatments for BASF Crop Protection. “Charter F2 is a ready-to-use formulation that controls a broad spectrum of the toughest diseases to help barley and wheat seedlings get a strong start.”

Charter F2 controls many of the most common disease threats in grains, including Fusarium seed rot and seedling blight, damping-off, wheat common bunt, and wheat and barley loose smut. It also provides suppression of Rhizoctonia root rot, common root rot and dry seed decay.

Charter F2 can be mixed with Stamina® fungicide seed treatment for a broader and enhanced spectrum of disease control, as well as Axcess™ insecticide seed treatment for insect control.

BASF, Wheat