NAMA Drawings At Booth 412

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2010 Agri-Marketing Conference and Connection Point trade show is getting closer. If you’re a professional agrimarketer attending the convention you’ll be able to enter our booth #412 drawing for a brand new B&N Nook. I like my iPad but I also like all eReaders and I’m a big B&N fan so I hope to see you stop by and visit with Cindy, Joanna or myself. I’ll be getting in during the opening session from the IFAJ Congress in Ostend, Belgium.

Now for students, don’t think we forgot about you. You’ll have your own entry box to win a new Samson Zoom H2. It’s a great tool for the farm podcaster soon to be!

We’ll also have some other cool items to give away for everyone who stops by so we hope to see you in Kansas City, MO.

AgWired coverage of the 2010 Agri-Marketing Conference will be sponsored once again by Successful Farming. I’m sure I’ll be having some pre-conference announcements from SF for you so keep watching your AgWired feed wherever you get it (RSS, Text, Twitter, Facebook, FriendFeed, Widget, or just plain old visiting the website). Remember that AgWired is mobile phone enabled, meaning you’ll get a great phone browser experience regardless of what phone you have.