RFA Ethanol Podcast

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers Improve Sustainability

Chuck Zimmerman

Charlie WalkerWhen it comes to sustainable food production, enhanced efficiency fertilizers are starting to play a role. At the Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Conference Charlie Walker, Incitec Pivot Ltd., Australia was on the program to talk about how they’re using urease and nitrification inhibitors to accomplish this. If you like a good Aussie accent then you’ll enjoying listening to Charlie. He’s a technical and development manager for his company.

He told the audience that EEF’s can improve environmental quality. However, when he thinks of sustainability he also thinks about profitability and minimizing off-target impacts. He calls it a “double whammy.” It has to not only help the environment but also make sense financially for the farmer. He recommends working with a well informed agronomist since there isn’t a one size fits all when it comes to EEF’s. He says that in Australia EEF’s are in the very early stages of adoption.

You can listen to my interview with Charlie below.

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Conference Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the New Ag International Conference
on Enhanced-Efficiency Fertilizers is made possible by .

Audio, Fertilizer, International, Sustainability