RFA Ethanol Podcast

International Fertilizer Efficiency

Chuck Zimmerman

AGROTAIN EEFWe had a great mix of international attendees at the Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Conference in Miami. I spoke with two of them after being introduced by AGROTAIN Marketing Communications Manager, Carrie Doza, pictured in the middle. To the left is Dr. Surinder K. Bansal, Potash Research Institute of India and on the right is Daniel O. Claudino dos Santos (a regular AgWired reader!) from Brazil.

Dr. Bansal says that in the last three years he’s been doing work on stabilized nitrogen fertilizers for use in corn and wheat crops. He sees real potential for EEF’s with large acre crops. In India he says nitrogen use efficiency in India is very low. That creates a lot of loss which has a negative environmental impact as well as an economic one. He’s found that they can increase yield by 8-10 percent with stabilized nitrogen fertilizers and save nitrogen at the same time. He hopes to see his work become commercially available after more trial work and government approval.

You can listen to or download (mp3) my interview with Dr. Bansal here: eef-10-bansal.mp3

Daniel works for Fertilizantes Piratini, a large fertilizer company that distributes AGROTAIN products. He says that the acceptance of EEF’s in Brazil is “amazing.” He says that sales have been skyrocketing year to year since they introduced the products in 2004. The main crops they’re seeing the adoption of these fertilizers in are corn, sugarcane and irrigated rice.

You can listen to or download (mp3) my interview with Daniel here: eef-10-santos.mp3

Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizer Conference Photo Album

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Audio, Fertilizer, International