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Super Bowl Ads

Amanda Nolz

I’m sure most of you were tuned in to watch the Super Bowl last night, and many of you probably participated in some form of party or another, complete with agriculture’s finest products. As I munched on appetizers and cheered on my favorite team, I have to admit that my favorite part of the Super Bowl wasn’t the game, and it certainly wasn’t Carrie H$U$ Underwood’s flat singing, it was, of course, the commercials.

Violinist beavers and screaming chickens aside, I have two commercials that win the top spot in my eyes. First, the Doritos commercial with the little boy talking to his mom’s boyfriend. He slaps him and says, “You don’t touch my momma, and you don’t touch my Doritos.” My second favorite advertisement was by Google. They played out a love story through a procession of Google searches, starting from a study abroad trip to Paris and ending with “how to assemble a crib,” at the conclusion. Very sweet.

So, just for fun this morning, what was your favorite Super Bowl ad? And, who had the worst?
