RFA Ethanol Podcast

YouTube Farmer New YF&R Chair for AFBF

Cindy Zimmerman

American Farm Bureau Federation 91st Annual Meeting Photo Album

A dairy farmer who is a YouTube hit with his original “Water ‘n Poo” song is the new chairman of the American Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers and Ranchers Committee.

afbfWill Gilmer of Alabama was elected as by the committee as chairperson for 2010 and will take over those duties in February to serve for one year.

Gilmer owns and operates Gilmer Dairy Farm, which includes a herd of 450 Holstein cows, heifers and calves, as well as more than 500 acres of pasture and forage crop production.

In addition to his daily farming duties, Gilmer maintains a Web site, www.gilmerdairy.com, along with The Dairyman’s Blog, in an effort to reach out to the public about modern farming practices. Gilmer also is active on the micro-blogging Web site Twitter under @gilmerdairy.

Farm broadcaster Meghan Grebner with WIRL in Peoria interviewed Will for her noon show yesterday and you can listen to that interview below the video.

And if you have never heard or seen Will’s funny YouTube hit about nutrient management – viewed over 9,000 times – here it is. Heck, even if you have seen it – worth watching again so you can be singing “Water ‘n Poo” all day long!

AFBF, Audio, Video