2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#afbf10 Tweetup Number One

Cindy Zimmerman

AFBF Tweetup The first of two American Farm Bureau Federation “tweetups” was held at 3 pm in the #afbf10 annual meeting trade show. More that a dozen regular Twitter posters in the ag industry showed up at the Monsanto booth at 3 pm to meet each other in person and exchange tweeting tips.

For those of you on the Twitter fringe, tweetups are gatherings where people who tweet about a certain topic or industry meet up. Most of those who showed up for the tweetup are also very involved with #agchat , an agricultural industry Twitter conversation. The hash tag thing is a way to connect posts made on the same topic or from the same event.

Click on the photo for a bigger version and see some of the folks who are tweeting ag’s horn, including farm media, organization representatives like several in AFBF, company public relations like Monsanto, and real farmers and ranchers.

The Flickr photo album is now on-line with downloadable photos from the American Farm Bureau 91st Annual Meeting.