2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Corn Yield Contest Winners Annouced

Chuck Zimmerman

NCGAThe National Corn Yield Contest winners have been announced. It’s been a challenging growing season weather wise but yields have been great.

The National Corn Yield Contest is in its 45th year and remains NCGA’s most popular program for members. This year, NCGA has processed 6,960 entries – a 3.5 percent increase over 2008 (6,727 entries) and 41 percent increase over 2007 (4,932 entries).

“Again this year, we are excited and pleased looking at the yields achieved by our growers,” said Steve Ebke, chair of NCGA’s Production and Stewardship Action Team. “This contest highlights how, through scientific advances and grower innovation, we can meet growing demand for food, feed, fuel and fiber.”

The 24 winners in eight production categories had verified yields averaging more than 300 bushels per acre, compared to the projected national average of 162.9 bushels per acre.

While there is no overall contest winner, yields from first, second and third place farmers overall production categories ranged from 287.0744 to 346.0156 bushels per acre.

You can find all the state and national winners on the NCGA website.

Ag Groups, Corn, NCGA