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United Soybean Board Answering Grower Questions

Chuck Zimmerman

usb-expert-screenHow will the wet fall impact this year’s prices? How can I use social media to promote my farm? What are our competitors in Brazil doing right now? These are all questions you’ll find answered on the United Soybean Board’s Expert Advice Column. It’s part of the newly designed website and we’ve been featuring interviews with the experts who are writing the columns.

USB would like you to take a minute to register on the website and take advantage of all the information they have for growers including, seed selection tips, pest and disease diagnostic guides, a sustainability calculator and a directory with just about every new soy-based product your soybean checkoff has helped develop. You can customize the page too. Here’s how to register:

* Visit, then click on login/register, located on the upper-left corner of the home page, to fill out your information fields.
* Congrats! Now you are ready to begin customizing your individual home page.
* Now, just click on add content in the upper-left corner. This will display your customization options.
* Add the modules that meet the needs of your operation, including localized weather, livestock and additional crop information.
* Click the X at the top of an individual module to remove it from your home page.
* To edit the module content, just click the diagonal pencil icon.
* Click the minus sign to minimize a module.

Visit today and come back often for time saving updates that can help increase your profitability.

We’d like to thank the United Soybean Board for their support of the AgWired community!

Ag Groups, Soybean, USB