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South American Soybean Expert

Cindy Zimmerman

USB websiteThe United Soybean Board Expert Advice column this week features an update on South America from Pablo Adreani of AgriPAC Consulting. Pablo is an agronomist, journalist and trade consultant from Buenos Aires, Argentina who just happens to be in the United States this week for the American Seed Trade Association meeting in Chicago.

USB Pablo AdreaniIn this week’s column, Pablo talks about the impact of this year’s weather in South America. Here’s a sample:

The last rains of the middle of November did not reach Cordoba, and the drought continues to affect more than 50 percent of the province. This is the province with the greatest soybean growing area in the country, producing 11 million acres. The first crop of soybeans has already been delayed for a month. According to a report by the Buenos Aires Grain Board Exchange, 3.2 million acres have been planted; this equals 28 percent of the whole province acreage.

I called Pablo yesterday at his hotel in Chicago and talked with him about why it is important for soybean growers in the United States to keep abreast of developments in South America. You can listen to my interview with Pablo below.

The USB Expert Advice tool features a weekly column rotating between four industry experts: Pablo on South American markets, David Asbridge on U.S. markets, John Baize on soybean and soybean oil industry news and Michele Payn-Knoper on using social media in agriculture. The columns can be accessed on the USB website under the “community” tab. Farmers are encouraged to ask questions and post comments after each new article and to engage the industry experts.

Now, here is that interview with Pablo and if you have any questions, just ask the expert after you read his column on the soybean checkoff website:

Audio, International, Soybean, USB