2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

International News About Soybeans

Chuck Zimmerman

john-baizeJohn Baize, Baize & Associates is a regular columnist for the United Soybean Board’s Expert Advice. His company specializes in international agricultural trading and policy consulting on oilseeds and soybeans and including biotechnology policy, trade policy, agriculture policy and market development activities.

In his most recent column you’ll find information about China.

A lot has been said about the impact China has had on the global economy since it opened up to foreign investment and capitalism in the early 1990s. However, until one looks at the numbers, it is virtually impossible to gain a true grasp of how much it has impacted our world. In particular, China has been by far the most important factor impacting global demand for soybeans.

I spoke with John about his work for the United Soybean Board. He says he advises the USB on where he thinks global markets are going. He says its his goal to help them make the best decisions on where to spend Checkoff dollars. Producers will find this type of information in his column. John invites producers to submit questions which he’ll do his best to answer.

You can listen to my interview with John below.

Ag Groups, Audio, International, Soybean, USB