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Farm Broadcaster of the Year Unemployed

Cindy Zimmerman

Just a couple of weeks ago, former NAFB president Ken Root was grinning from ear to ear as he accepted the coveted Farm Broadcaster of the Year award from the National Association of Farm Broadcasting. This week, he was unceremoniously let go by a company that has a reputation for not appreciating the work of talented and respected farm broadcasters. But Ken is still smiling!

On his Facebook page, Ken wrote: I’m in the unemployment line! Clear Channel terminated my employment yesterday afternoon. I finished my reports, packed my belongings under supervision and toured the building shaking hands with my former co-workers. I am greatly relieved and moving on.

This is not the first time that Clear Channel has terminated a highly respected farm broadcaster. While the company owns several properties – both networks and stations – that serve the agricultural community, they just don’t seem to understand the importance of that. Ken is a wonderful person, a fabulous on-air talent, and a great farm broadcaster. His audience in the WHO listening area is the loser here because he not only informed, but entertained – and not just farmers, but the general public as well.

Best of luck, Ken. You are an original and one of the very best in the business.

Media, NAFB