RFA Ethanol Podcast

The Horse Radio Network

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 237 - Horse Radio NetworkPodcasting for the equine industry is alive and well in the form of the Horse Radio Network. This morning’s program is coming to you from the world famous Coffee Zone in Jefferson City, MO and features an interview with HRN founder and “chief bottle washer” Glenn Hebert.

Glenn says he started HRN after having produced an equine podcast for a client of his. In the past year they’ve grown the network of programming to 5 regular podcasts.

The Stable Scoop Radio Show
The 2010 Radio Show (WEG)
The Eventing Radio Show
The Dressage Radio Show
A new horse tip every day

Glenn says they have regular advertisers supporting them and of course they’d like to have a few more. A major piece of advice that he offers is to make a commitment to your podcast. You have to produce it regularly to build an audience and it doesn’t happen overnight. I can’t agree more.

Learn more about HRN and podcasting by listening to this week’s program.

I’d like to thank AgWired Sponsor, Fluidigm, for their support of the ZimmCast.

The program ends with some music from Music Alley. It’s a song titled, “Coffee Man” by Calvin Owens. I hope you enjoy it and thanks for listening.

You can listen to this week’s ZimmCast below.

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired. Subscribe so you can listen when and where you want. Just go to our a Subscribe page.

Audio, Horses, Podcasts, ZimmCast