RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Executive Director Stepping Down

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFBJust received word that Bill O’Neill, the Executive Director of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting, will be stepping down. The NAFB Board has accepted his resignation effective December 31.

You can hear all about it from NAFB President, Pam Jahnke, who has recorded an audio statement (mp3).

Pam Jahnke, current president of NAFB said that O’Neill plans on pursuing some personal goals he’s been considering for some time. “The association is in wonderful shape financially, and blessed with a solid staff in Platte City. Bill took all of this into consideration before his announcement. The officer team is very grateful that NAFB has had his guidance and dedication for five years, and we’re even more grateful that he’s not departing until December 31.”

The executive officer team of Jahnke, Greg Akagi and Lindsay Hill has already begun work planning for the next director. They will complete formation of a search and screen committee shortly, and begin advertising the position on a national scale. Jahnke said that they’re in agreement that they will take their time, and research all options thoroughly.

“We realize the importance of this process and are consulting with members and outside resources to make sure that the NAFB has the opportunity to enjoy another 65 years of success.”

It’s hard to believe that I posted the announcement of Bill’s start with NAFB back in 2005. Been doing this a while!

Media, NAFB