2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

NCGA Launches Markets Now Member Benefit

Chuck Zimmerman

NCGA MarketsHere’s another reason to be a member of the National Corn Growers Association. Now you can get your markets on your mobile phone as a new member benefit. Our friends at Commodity Update who also make AgWired Mobile possible are powering the new service. You can find out more on the NCGA website.

The National Corn Growers Association announced the launch of a new membership benefit that provides access to market updates through mobile phone messages. The program, called NCGA Markets NOW!, will keep subscribing members informed of the information that growers need when deciding when to sell their crop.

“When we came across this opportunity, we felt that it was a perfect fit. NCGA Markets NOW! provides members with the information that they need to make the best possible choices for their operation,” said Tim Dolan, Chairman of NCGA’s Grower Services Action Team. “In doing so, it furthers the association’s mission of promoting the best interests of the American corn producer.”

The NCGA Markets NOW! service is fully customizable and provides both scheduled updates and on demand services. The service works with the members existing cell phone and is available through virtually every cell phone carrier. Easy to use, other groups utilizing similar services have reported nearly universal satisfaction.

Ag Groups, Markets, NCGA