2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

The Farm Podcaster is in Forage Day Class

Chuck Zimmerman

Pioneer Forage Media Day ClassThe Pioneer Forage Media Day has started with class in session at their Livestock Nutrition Center near Des Moines, IA. We have a very good attendance from the ag media. Cindy (FarmPodcaster) stopped to pose at the entrance of the Center.

Right now we’re listening to the first presentation by Bill Curran on corn silage reearch. He’s giving us a complete overview of their process for testing and evaluating genetics of various hybrids.

During our breaks Cindy and I will be conducting interviews with the presenters which we’ll post primarily on World Dairy Diary but also here when appropriate as well. We’ll also be building up some new Forage Forum podcasts as well. So it’s going to be a busy day here.

We’ll also be doing some special tweets on the World Dairy Diary Twitter feed so keep an eye on it too. Please feel free to follow if you aren’t yet.

Forage, Pioneer