Texas Ag Greets International Visitors

Cindy Zimmerman

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2009 is sponsored by:
Pioneer-HiBred Successful Farming and Novus International

The Deputy Commissioner of Agriculture for Texas greeted international agriculture journalists meeting in Fort Worth and spoke his mind about some trade issues that were not necessarily in agreement with some of the countries represented.

IFAJ Drew DeBerryDuring an interview after his luncheon address, Drew DeBerry told me that he was not surprised with the reaction to some of his comments and the questions posed by the international journalists. “I’m impressed at the interest they have in our domestic policies here in the United States,” he said. “I’m encouraged that means there is an interest around the world in better understanding US domestic policies because we have to understand each others policies if we’re going to have fair trade.”

Drew says he was thrilled to have the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists 2009 Congress held in Texas. “If you’re having a conference in the United States and it has anything to do with agriculture, why not be in the second largest ag state in the nation.”

Drew also talked about the severe drought that much of Texas is experiencing and how it could impact the cattle herd, as well as the implications of the climate change bill being considered by Congress for agricultural producers.

IFAJ/AMS 2009 Photo Album

Listen to an interview with Drew here:

Ag Media Summit, Audio, IFAJ, Novus International, Pioneer