IFMA 17 Top Ten List

Cindy Zimmerman

Top ten things the student correspondents learned at the International Farm Management Congress last week:

10. Make sure the microphone is plugged in all the way when recording an audio interview.
9. When the British woman says she does not want her picture taken, she really means it!
8. Always be a half an hour early when waiting to on a tour, they may leave without you.
7. Do not bring any outside food such as Krispy Kreme or Panera inside teh Bone Student Center, they do not like it.
6. Do not let people print from your computer when they say their computer crashed at home.
5. Australian’s are from Australia and New Zealander’s are from New Zealand, never mix the two up.
4. Never say you like to eat kiwis in front of a New Zealander.
3. World Scholars know how to cut a rug on the dance floor!
2. Do not hit people on bicycles with your car on your way to the newsroom, to could potentially be dangerous, you could go to jail.
1. Thank you to Colleen and Carroll for giving us the opportunity to work in the press room and cover the IFMA 17! We had a great experience!

Bonus: Thank you to Chuck, Cindy and the staff at AgWired that helped us make IFMA 17 a success! Chuck, we hope you feel better soon!

The IFMA Congress Correspondents
DeAnna J. Schertz – University of Illinois
Matt L. Spialek – Illinois State University
Joe Genzel – Alum – Illinois State University
Erin Yancey – Illinois State University
Ross Albert – Illinois State University
Jacquie Holland – Illinois State University
Savanna Anderson – Illinois State University

Colleen Callahan – Alumna – University of Illinois – Advisor

AgWired coverage of the IFMA 17 has been made possible by Syngenta
