A Posting Slowdown

Chuck Zimmerman

Okay. Cindy has tweeted “My Twittering husband, who tweets photos of what he makes for dinner, doesn’t bother to tweet that he’s in the hospital for pneumonia.” She’s right. Maybe I should have been writing about this but I just couldn’t find the right “voice” for it and it’s been one of those things that has dragged on for a couple weeks and I keep thinking it’s about to be resolved. Well we’re finally getting there (he said confidently.)

I am still in the hospital and will be for a few more days after a procedure in the morning. Hopefully that will settle the whole problem and then I’ll have to take it easy for a while after that. This is hard to say for someone who is pretty much on the go and used to jogging or biking at every chance he can get. I figured that I owed to the AgWired community to let you know in case you didn’t already. That’s why I’ve been a little light on posting and tweeting, especially for the last couple days.

Thank goodness you can use a cell phone and computer/air card in your room! I’ll be off the grid tomorrow and hope to be back on by Friday sometime with an update.

So, let me just say a huge thank you to all our sponsors and supporters, followers and friends. Without you there would be no community. I’m looking forward to being back to 100 percent as soon as possible.
