- The Growth Enhancement Technology Information Team (GET IT) is introducing a marketing program focused on the economic and environmental benefits of conventional beef production. The campaign will provide beef producers with facts about the “eco-friendly and eco-nomical” benefits of conventional beef production.
- Dr. Gebisa Ejeta of Ethiopia has been named winner of the $250,000 World Food Prize for his monumental contributions in the production of sorghum which have dramatically enhanced the food supply of hundreds of millions of people in sub-Saharan Africa.
- The National Corn Growers Association Corn Board has elected Bart Schott of Kulm, N.D., to the position of first vice president for the 2010 fiscal year, which begins Oct. 1.
- According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, fewer than 10 percent, or about 200 students, graduating each year from U.S. veterinary schools are interested in large animal medicine. Pfizer Animal Health launched an Externship Program this spring aimed at veterinary students with a potential interest in large animal medicine.