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NAFB Webinar

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB WebinarIf you haven’t seen the results of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting Wave Study then you’ve got an online chance coming up.

We want to share that presentation with you, as an NAFB member. It features recorded clips of a number of producers, from across NAFB geography, talking about their dependence upon farm radio. These farmers and ranchers offer candid and valuable insights into their daily use of agri-media.

Mike Parry will walk you through this presentation during two upcoming Webinars. The session will last 60 minutes. Please e-mail Member Services Manager Jennifer Saylor by June 5 to register for the Webinar you prefer:

Tuesday, June 9 at 2:00 pm (CST)
Wednesday, June 10 at 10:00 am (CST)

This free Webinar is intended for members of all three NAFB Councils – Broadcast, Management & Sales, and Allied Industry. Don’t miss it!