2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Monsanto Planting Updates

Chuck Zimmerman

Monsanto keeps moving forward into the online conversation with regular Planting Updates. Do you think these are that much different than the news you get from the “regular media.” Tyne Morgan is the Monsanto “reporter” out in the field. In this episode you not only get a planting update you also hear what farmers think the general public thinks of them. The production quality is good and the content is interesting.

Other places you’ll find Monsanto include:

Monsanto Twitter
Monsanto’s Sustainabile Agriculture Initiative
Monsanto Today
Monsanto’s Blog

Obviously Monsanto is not relying on their main website to be the only destination for their customers. They’re reaching out beyond the confines of a web destination to engage them and interact with them. If you doubt that’s happening then you should start following them on Twitter. Is it easy for Monsanto to quantify the exact ROI on this? I doubt it. Does that mean they shouldn’t do it? No.

Agribusiness, Social Networking