RFA Ethanol Podcast

NAFB Members Speak About Washington Watch

Chuck Zimmerman

NAFB Washington WatchThis afternoon the National Association of Farm Broadcasting is holding an official membership meeting. Broadcast Council members of the organization are required to attend at least one a year to maintain their membership.

Besides discussing NAFB business it’s another opportunity to network with counterparts in the farm broadcasting world. I spoke with NAFB members Ken Root, WHO, and Jeff Nalley, Cromwell Ag Network. I first asked them why they attend. Ken says it’s the best meeting they have to gather news and interact with people in the industry. Jeff says the reality is that “it’s about relationships,” that farmers depend on them to “know” the news and this program helps them do that. They also talk about some of the items on the program like tonight’s dinner remarks from HSUS.

You can listen to my interview with Ken and Jeff here: ww-09-root-nalley.mp3

I now have a photo album started for the event so you can see what’s going on: NAFB Washington Watch 2009 Photo Album
