Hello from Lambert Field, waiting on an already delayed flight. Beautiful weather here so who knows why. For all you NAFB members and farm tweeters, please use the #NAFB hashtag in your tweets this week. If you search it you’ll find that the conversation has already started.
I posed the question “Will HSUS or new USDA admin/budget or Issues Forum be most interesting?” These are some of the items on our agenda this week. I’m betting on the HSUS thing. As may have read in my earlier post, we’ve got an HSUS dude speaking tomorrow evening. It’s kind of tempting to boycott it though. If you’d like a flavor for why this animal rights terrorist organization is so inflammatory check out the comments on Amanda’s post about them being in Nebraska. I just got caught up on the latest ones.
BTW. Completely unrelated to the above, a guy I follow on Twitter posted a link to a Google map where they’re tracking Swine Flu. Kind of interesting.