The Students’ Perspectives

John Davis

lindseywilliamspic1We’ve heard a lot from the good folks at Novus International as they have been trying to help the Missouri Colleges Fund scholars get a better grasp on the wide variety of jobs available once they graduate from their science and agricultural degree programs. But what about the students? What do they think about what they’re hearing?

Well, they’ve been a tough bunch to keep up with, as they’ve gotten a whirlwind tour of the Novus, Pfizer and Monsanto facilities in the St. Louis area. In between tours of the labs, lunches with the scientists, and discussions about the future of agri-business, I was able to catch some of them and get their impressions about what they’ve seen.

Lindsey Williams, a senior majoring in chemistry with a minor in biology at Central Methodist University in Fayette, Mo., admitted she didn’t know that much about Novus before she went on the tour. But she says she’s learned a lot.

“I think this is a great opportunity… not just for seniors… but also for juniors and sophomores who still aren’t sure what they want to go in to, to see what kind of opportunities are out there for them.”

Williams echoes the sentiment we heard from many of the day’s speakers: you really have to have a passion for your job, especially in the agriculture and science fields. Plus, she is glad to see that there are many different directions someone interested in science can go.

“I was actually surprised at how many different areas you can go into under just one particular company.”

Listen to my entire conversation with Lindsey here: LindsayWilliams1.mp3

2009 Novus International Undergraduate Networking Day Photo Set

Novus International