Talking Social Media in DC

Chuck Zimmerman

USGC SessionHere’s my happy group of social media students at the U. S. Grains Council office in Washington, DC.

Pictured are Marri Carrow, USGC, Melissa George Kessler, NAWG, Mike Deering, USGC and Steve Mercer, U. S. Wheat Associates.

We’ve been talking RSS, blogs, podcasts, Twitter, Facebook and more all morning. Like many ag groups today, these are looking at ways to incorporate social media into their communications and outreach efforts.

I’ll be heading back to ZimmComm World Headquarters shortly and still have some interviews to post from the Farm Foundation conference I attended earlier this week. So, I’ll try to get caught up with that in between if possible. It’s been a great trip to DC and I’ll be back here for the NAFB Washington Watch in just a couple weeks.

Ag Groups