I’m sure a lot of you are doing what you can to thank American farmers on National Agriculture Day. Feel free to share what you’re doing and include pictures if you have them. Here’s what Osborn & Barr is doing in St. Louis. Post Update: The photo is of the tractor described below mid day on Ag Day.
Tractor display and food drive at Kiener plaza fights hunger and champions regional agribusiness
Kiener Plaza may play host to some of St. Louis’ most vibrant urban businesses, but it still sprawls under the shadow of the Arch – the Gateway to the West and a dramatic symbol of this city’s ties to a passionate, inquisitive and agrarian foundation.
National Agriculture Day recognizes and celebrates the abundance provided by agriculture. Food production is an importation part of agriculture, and during a time of economic instability, the need for affordable and healthful food is in high demand.
In recognition of National Agriculture Day, food donations are being accepted at Kiener Plaza. Look for the red tractor – the quintessential symbol of agriculture – on display. The goal is to fill the tractor’s loader (bucket) with food to benefit the St. Louis Food Bank. The event is sponsored by Osborn & Barr Communications, the nation’s leading agriculture and rural marketing agency. Many of its professional staff of more than 100 grew up on farms or still farm. Members will be onsite to assist with the food drive.
Date and Location:
Friday, March 20, 2009
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. (Donations will be accepted during this time)
Kiener Plaza, 500 Pine St.