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Facebook on Oprah

Amanda Nolz

As much as I dislike Oprah for her animosity towards agriculture and food production, I took note of her show last Friday the 13th. The segment was titled, “The Face Behind Facebook,” and Oprah interviewed founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg about the social networking site’s success. With 175 million users, this project that started in a Harvard dormitory, has quickly spun into a tool used by anyone that wants to stay in touch.

According to Oprah’s website, If there were a Facebook nation, it would be the world’s 6th largest country! People around the world are reconnecting with long-lost friends and relatives, uniting on common ground from politics to Chia pets. Every day, half a million people join the social network.

Zuckerberg said that the fastest growing members are 30+. Individuals can even use this network to keep updated with President Obama, who has 6 million friends! So, what is it about Facebook that’s so addicting? Why do I check it everyday? How can professionals utilize Facebook effectively? How can we incorporate our various media tools into one effective, dynamic marketing campaign? To check out the entire text on the Oprah segment, link to “The Face Behind Facebook.”

Social Networking