2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

10 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers

Amanda Nolz

For you tweeters, this headline must have caught your eye. After all, most of us are on Twitter to try to project a message about our place of business, our passions and the things that interest us. An increase in your following with increase your ability to spread your messages to a wider audience. My Twitter life has substantially increased since the first day I signed on to give it a whirl. I’m still figuring things out, but I have decided it’s a fun way to let everyone know what I’m up to and stay in contact with other professionals. If you are on Twitter, and you are interested in my adventures, my two accounts are AmandaNolz and BEEFMagazine.

kevin-rose Anyway, I found an article at the Poynter Institute titled, “10 Ways to Increase Your Twitter Followers.” The article was written by Kevin Rose, the founder of Digg and the cofounder of Pounce and Revision3. (Photo courtesy of Poynter Institute.) Kevin has over 88,000 followers on Twitter, and he is the second most followed person, after President Obama. Here is a little excerpt from this very useful article. I took home some important lessons from this article, and I hope you do, too!

1. Explain to your followers what retweeting is and encourage them to retweet your links. Retweeting pushes your @username into foreign social graphs, resulting in clicks back to your profile. Track your retweets using retweetist.

2. Fill out your bio. Your latest tweets and @replies don’t mean much to someone that doesn’t know you. Your bio is the only place you have to tell people who you are. Also, your bio is displayed on Twitter’s Suggested Users page. Leaving it blank or non-descriptive doesn’t encourage people to add you.

To read the entire article or learn more about Kevin Rose, link to Poynter Online.

Social Networking