2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Basic Outreach Methods

Amanda Nolz

So often, we try to create elaborate marketing campaigns using the latest technologies and marketing techniques. While there are countless new and exciting ways to spread the message about your place of business, sometimes the most simple ways have been used for years. Maybe that’s why they are still around in spite of the latest and greatest ways to do the same job.

img_1400This thought occured to me over the weekend when I attended the 2009 SDSU Alpha Gamma Rho – Block & Bridle Steer Show at the Swiftel Center in Brookings, S.D. With over 120 cattle exhibited representing six different states, it was an exciting time to look at a great number of quality cattle. Aside from looking at livestock and visiting with area beef producers, I had time to ask the show chairpersons how they put on this event every year.

I discovered that this cattle event is run completely by sponsorship dollars and volunteer helpers. A 50/50 raffle helped raise money for the agriculture sorority, Sigma Alpha. Hand-made signs hanging around the ring gave credit to sponsors, 90% of the money coming from ranchers not companies. A radio played and a local commercial came on playing an ad for a bull sale coming up. In all of its simplicity, these marketing and management methods were the ingredients for a successful agriculture event.

As we kick off another week, I want to talk about the marketing strategies you have tried in the past. Are you pursuing advanced technologies to spread the word about your respective product? Are you Tweeting, Facebooking and blogging? Are you sticking with the traditional word-of-mouth approach? Or, are you using the basics of posters, radio spots and television commercials? I’m excited to hear about your marketing strategies!

Advertising, Technology