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New Holland Makes the Old New Again

Cindy Zimmerman

This ain’t your great-grandaddy’s tractor – even if it might look like it!

This is the New Holland Boomer 8N, a new and improved version of the classic Ford 8N tractor originally made in the late 1940s. New Holland’s Rory Chisholm says the tractor features a modern drive line with the latest innovations. “So its a marriage of two things that results in quite a stunning looking tractor,” Rory said. “We realized that we had this tractor in our history that’s a link to our past so we decided to put a little of the new and a little of the old together and the end result was the Boomer 8N.”

Comfort and safety are features in the new tractor, with a shiny rollover bar and a cushioned seat modeled after the much less comfortable steel pan seats of the original.

Over 500,000 of the original Ford 8N tractors went into production and many of them are still in existence and hold a sense of nostalgia for lots of people who grew up on farms. The Boomer 8N will be going into production later this spring. The tractors will not necessarily be a limited run, but they will be numbered, and our friend Gene Hemphill is in negotiations right now with a certain celebrity vehicle buff to get serial number one in his garage.

Listen to an interview with Rory here nfms09-cnh-rory.mp3

You can also download the interview here: New Holland Boomer 8N (mp3).

NFMS 09 Photo Album

Audio, Farm Machinery, National Farm Machinery Show, New Holland, NFMS, Tractor