RFA Ethanol Podcast

More Global Warming Wacko-ism

Chuck Zimmerman

Let’s see, it seems like last year I heard that the greatest threat to the livestock industry wasn’t input costs, ethanol or market prices but wacko animal rights activists. Yeah. There are a lot of them and they sure seem to have lots of money behind them. The latest, besides the post I did this morning, is from LetsActNow.org. These people are seriously drinking some weird koolaid. Who are they? I dunno. All it says on their website is that they’re “a group of people.” That explains it.

So here’s their new “national psa.” Should I leave it in the post or take it out?

Their news release quotes some idiotic NASA scientist named Dr. James Hansen. Here’s an excerpt:

“Because if you eat further down on the food chain rather than animals which have produced many greenhouse gases, and used much energy in the process of growing that meat, you can actually make a bigger contribution in that way than just about anything. So in terms of individual actions, it is the best thing you can do.”

Animal agriculture, including “sustainable,” locally-raised animals, is a huge cause of global warming, creating nearly one-fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. It also uses up most of our water, is responsible for the majority of rainforest destruction in the Amazon, and is a direct cause of global hunger. Changing our diet to a meat-free, dairy-free, egg-free vegan diet can significantly and rapidly reverse global warming, lower emissions, reduce deforestation, avoid drought, and help feed the hungry.

Global warming? Yeah, right. Cows causing it? Okay . . . It’s time to get these folks some straight jackets and get them back on their medication.

Environment, Livestock, Wackos