2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Coaching the Novus Team

Cindy Zimmerman

The key to a winning baseball team is a good coach and if Novus International was a baseball team, executive vice president of marketing and sales Giovanni Gasperoni would be that coach.

International Poultry Expo 09“Novus was born in 1991, so we celebrate our 18th anniversary this year,” Gio told me in an interview today. “When I came to the states in 1995, I was the only foreigner speaking with a funny accent in the whole company, today we have more people with funny accents in the company than speaking with English accents!” Which just shows how the company has expanded globally to help producers around the world be more productive to meet the protein demands of a growing population.

The Novus “all-star” line up of products has grown as well. “We started with two basic products – ALIMET and SANTOQUIN,” said Gio. In the last five years, they have diversified to offer a broad range of products to serve the needs of customers in not just poultry, but swine, aquaculture and ruminants in general.

“Health through nutrition, makes the animal healthier which makes them more performing, which is what helps our customers around the world,” Gio says.

Gio is passionate about the ability of Novus to serve their customers and ultimately the consumers of the world, by producing more food in a sustainable manner – definitely a winning strategy!

Listen to my interview with Gio here:

You can also download the interview here: Gasperoni Interview (mp3).

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