send news release today


Chuck Zimmerman

AgRootsTVI had a chance to look at Alltech’s AgRootsTV this morning and thought I’d make a few comments. I’m not really into doing full reviews here though unless you think I should. I’d like your feedback on that. Every time I do so I find that someone is not happy with me no matter what I say.

On to AgRootsTV. To start with, I think this is a great idea and I’m sure we’ll be seeing more companies do something like this. I think the company has supplied some Flip cameras to field staff and they’re shooting video clips which are used for this project. If not, please correct me. This is a great concept though. Who better to capture a great testimonial or statement than the person who’s face to face with the customer? And what better time than right then? The quality of the video is just fine for this purpose. I don’t see any need for extensive editing to make it look like a “slick corporate video.” It’s much more real this way. Here’s the introduction video.

I wish they were posting these so I could subscribe to them and embed them on my web page though. They provide a link, but to know when new ones come out I have to subscribe to another email and I’m betting most people won’t. They’re also only available on their web page. However, they do have a YouTube account. But it doesn’t have any of the 15 videos you can find on the company site except the introductory video seen above. Maybe more will be added? I hope so because they’ve already got subscribers in YouTube!

Farmers work tirelessly to feed our world and they are doing so with the good of the environment and well-being of their animals in mind.

AgRootsTV aims to inform consumers about the sustainable environment that is the source of our food. Through these videos, farmers from all over North America give you a glimpse into their farms, showing you responsible farming practices. Join us in sharing these stories focused on proper care of the animal, environmental stewardship and responsibility towards the consumer.

Agribusiness, Alltech, Video