RFA Ethanol Podcast

PADRAP Now Online

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Derald HoltkampHave you ever heard of PADRAP? It’s not some new kind of music. It’s actually the Production Animal Disease Risk Assessment Program. It’s a web-based version of the PRRS Risk Assessment for the Breeding Herd. At the BI Foundations Seminar Dr. Derald Holtkamp spoke about using PADRAP to asses the risk of exposure in area and regional control projects for PRRS.

Derald says that the information compiled in PADRAP allows for the establishment of a baseline for risk and to evaluate that risk over time. He says that right now they’re working on several regional projects and he hopes to see that grow to more regions in the future.

You can listen to my interview with Dr. Holtkamp here: bi-foundations-08-holtkamp.mp3

Boehringer Ingelheim Foundations Photo Album

Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine