send news release today

Combination of Control Options Works Best on PRRS

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Dale PolsonThe whole focus of today’s BI Foundations Seminar is on area and regional control of the PRRS virus. One of our presenters did some research on just how well applying control techniques works on a wide area basis. He’s Dr. Dale Polson.

He presented findings from a project that applied the principals of control to a large production system over a wide geographic area. I asked him what they found and he said, “We found that if you make mistakes you pay.” He says they also found that it takes a combination of control methods like closure, mass vaccination, linear pig flow and bio-security which he compares to a multi-legged stool. You need all the legs or you’ll fall over!

You can listen to my interview with Dr. Polson here: bi-foundations-08-polson.mp3

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Audio, Boehringer Ingelheim, Swine