- Syngenta announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire the pot and garden Chrysanthemum and Aster business of U.S. flowers producer Yoder Brothers Inc. The transaction is expected to close in Q4 2008, pending regulatory approvals.
- The world’s largest dairy exporter, Fonterra Co-operative Group, has opened its new research and development center – the Chicago Technical Center (CTC) – in Chicago, Ill. Fonterra has invested $2.4 million in the state-of-the-art facility, which applies New Zealand intellectual property and technology to the benefit of both the New Zealand and US dairy industries.
- The unveiling of the 700,000th square baler made at New Holland was accompanied by a celebration to commemorate the continuing success of one of the most significant labor-saving inventions in the mechanization of agriculture. The 700,000th New Holland square baler, a Model BC5070, is one of the new generation square balers New Holland has introduced this year.
- The USDA has granted approval of Mycomune R, a vaccine to help prevent respiratory disease in calves caused by Mycoplasma bovis. This new vaccine, which contains antigens against four economically important strains of M. bovis, can be administered to beef and dairy calves as young as three weeks of age.