2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

New Numbers From John Deere

Chuck Zimmerman

New John Deere Numbering SystemThere’s lots of news out today from John Deere (5 news releases). The first one is interesting since it’s such a visual thing.

What’s in a name? Quite a bit actually – especially when it comes to tractors. John Deere announces it’s currently transitioning to a new name and number system for its full line of tractors with the introduction of the new 5D, 5E, 5M, and 6D Series Tractors.

“The updated name and numbering system is unique to John Deere and allows for a more consistent approach to naming our equipment around the world,” says Steve Robisky, John Deere marketing administration manager. “This new system allows customers to more quickly and easily identify the engine horsepower of a tractor, its capability, and its size by looking at the hood decal,” Robisky adds.

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Agribusiness, John Deere, Tractor