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USW Officers Assume Duty

Melissa Sandfort

The U.S. Wheat Associates (USW) Board of Directors honored wheat producer Ron Suppes, Dighton, Kan., as he turned over the Chairman’s gavel to Michael Edgar, Yuma, Ariz., at its annual meeting July 28, 2008, in Kansas City, Mo. Also at the meeting, Janice Mattson, Chester, Mont., assumed the duties of Vice Chairman, while Don Schieber, Ponca City, Okla., assumed the Secretary-Treasurer position. The organization elects officers for the next marketing year (June-May) at its Winter Board Meeting.

“I have always been taught to do the best you can no matter what situation you face and to leave things in better shape than you found them,” Suppes said. “I only hope that during my chairmanship those things have taken place and benefitted our customers and U.S. wheat producers.” Four generations of Suppes’ family were at the meeting to help the organization celebrate his year as Chairman.

USW committees and joint committees with the National Association of Wheat Growers (NAWG) also met and reported to the Board during the meeting. Several guests including Kansas Secretary of Agriculture Adrian Polansky, Dr. Barry Flinchbaugh, Kansas State University (Retired) and advisor to the Kansas Agriculture and Rural Leadership program, and Mark Gold, Managing Partner of Top Third Marketing, Chicago, Ill., made presentations. The Board also heard updates from David Cleavinger, President of NAWG, Wildorado, Texas, and Marcia Scheideman, President of Wheat Foods Council, Denver, Colo.

USW’s next board meeting is a joint session with NAWG Oct. 31 to Nov. 2, 2008 in Dallas, Texas.
