2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

See It to Believe It at Mobile Greenhouse

Laura McNamara

Mobile Greenhouse visitors learn about Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeansFarmers and growers who visited to Monsanto’s Mobile Greenhouse at the 2008 Michigan Ag Expo say they’re impressed to see the proof is in the soybeans, so to speak. Now, most say, they only thing left to do is see how the Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans perform during their first year in live farming field production.

I caught up with a couple growers at the Mobile Greenhouse to see what they think about Monsanto’s “next generation” soybeans.

You can listen to my interview with Matt Breithaupt here. Matt owns a 400 acre farm in Buckley, MI. He says 75 of those acres are used for his soybean crop.

You can listen to my interview with John Schultz here. John works at Crop Production Services in Cass City, MI and owns a farm in Unionville Michigan where he plants 1,000 acres of soybeans.

Monsanto Summer of Soy Photos
