send news release today

Profiling Beef Producers

Chuck Zimmerman

Jim EschlimanBy now you know that the new CBB website is I just realized that it’s what you get when you type in the old CBB web domain too.

One of the features you’ll soon find on the new CBB website will be producer profiles. The idea is to find out what producers (beef and dairy) think about the programs and activities of the Checkoff.

To get things started I did a number of interviews today and will get many more before the end of the summer conference. I started out with Jim Eschliman, Ericson, NE. He’s a dairy producer and it has been his career. He says they milk 140 cows but have around 300 head all together.

So when it comes to the Beef Checkoff he says that we have to continue to promote beef and get dairy producers to understand that fact. As he says, they’re beef producers too.

Jim says it’s important for dairy and beef producers to understand how to handle their animals and especially pay attention to the shipping process.

He sells cull cows and steers and thinks the Checkoff has increased the price he receives. As he puts it, “The Checkoff really helps.”

You can listen to my interview with Jim here: cisc-08-jim-eschliman.mp3

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