2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Grilled PBJ on the Beach

Chuck Zimmerman

Grilled PBJSounds like a drink almost, doesn’t it? Cindy’s lounging around on the Gulf of Mexico at the Southern Peanut Growers Conference, eating grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Can you imagine?

I tried something new today that I had frankly never even thought of eating before – grilled peanut butter and jelly. Don’t know why I never thought of it – after all, I like toast with peanut butter and jelly. But, grilling gives it a much richer flavor that, as Wesley Powell of Bainbridge, Georgia says goes great with a tall glass of cold milk for breakfast. Add some sliced bananas and you have yourself an “Elvis” sandwich!

Powell is past president of the National Peanut Buying Points Association, which grills up these tasty morsels every year at the SPGC. He shares his secrets to making the perfect grilled PB and J in this interview: spgc-wesley-npbpa.mp3

You can see these delicacies on display at the conference.

Southern Peanut Grower Conference Photo Album

Ag Groups, Audio, Peanuts, Video