send news release today

Canadian Farm Writers Get Together

Chuck Zimmerman

CFWF 2008Just when we’re talking about the U.S. get together of farm writers I noticed that it’s time to look forward to the CFWF 2008.

From the sea bottom to the mountain top, the BC Farm Writers are pleased to introduce you to some of the experiences, people, places, and products that will make up the CFWF 2008 Conference, to be held October 2 to 4, 2008 in the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Plans are almost complete and the registration fees, and forms, will be confirmed very shortly. For the latest information, please watch the CFWF website and stay tuned for an announcement about the CFWF 2008
Conference website – coming soon!

I think they need a good agriblogger covering it don’t you?
