- Alpharma Inc. announced a significant initiative expected to stimulate business opportunities for livestock producers suffering from recent flooding in the central U.S. agricultural heartland. Alpharma will donate a portion of all U.S. livestock product sales recorded in July to help fund flood relief efforts throughout the Mississippi River valley. The flood relief program will apply to Alpharma’s extensive line of livestock medicated feed additives.
- DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred announced that it has identified and incorporated new proprietary molecular markers into its soybean research program. The new markers significantly enhance the company’s ability to bring to market soybeans resistant to three common destructive soybean pests – Asian Soybean Rust, soybean aphids and frogeye leaf spot.
- Syngenta and DuPont announced an agreement to share the costs to prepare the regulatory studies for DuPont™ Cyazypyr™, a new broad spectrum insecticide for the control of lepidoptera and sucking pests.
- CHS Inc. announced it has formed a joint venture with Triangle Ag LLC, Ulen, Minn. Under the agreement, CHS and Triangle Ag will combine agronomy services throughout central and east central North Dakota, including construction of a 25,000-ton crop nutrients plant with the ability to receive 110-rail car shipments near Hannaford, N.D. A crop protection product and seed distribution center will also be part of the joint venture.