2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Blogging the FEW

Cindy Zimmerman

Fuel Ethanol WorkshopThe 2008 International Fuel Ethanol Workshop is getting underway here in Nashville. One thing I have already noticed is the number of international visitors here. I met someone from Canada and a couple from India was ahead of me at registration and I have seen many more from various countries wondering around the resort wearing FEW badges. Seems like there are more than there were last year.

Today most attendees are either playing in the golf tournament or taking in the pre-conference seminar on “First and Second Generation Ethanol Production.”

The official kickoff for the conference will be at 5:30 p.m. with the opening of the Industry Expo in the Ryman Exhibit Hall featuring more than 600 exhibitors.

Just started a photo album – not much in it so far but will be adding lots more by tonight.

2008 Fuel Ethanol Workshop Photo Album

Thanks to the Renewable Fuels Association for sponsoring our coverage of FEW. Check out frequent updates on Domestic Fuel and Good Fuels.org.

Ethanol, RFA