RFA Ethanol Podcast

Food Trees Feed Support For “Men in Trees,” Feed Poor

Laura McNamara

Just another example of how food affects life here and abroad: from saving television shows to feeding the world’s poor…

“Men in Trees” fans from around the world have been fighting to save their favorite show with contributions of more than 7,000 food trees planted in impoverished countries. They call the campaign “Plant It Forward.” The trees were collected by a group on the ABC message board, and planted through the non-profit organization Trees For Life International, which has sent each fan a certificate of donation. The collected certificates were delivered to Stephen McPherson, president of ABC Entertainment.

Their campaign aims to address the issues of world hunger and the environment while, at the same time, convincing ABC to renew “Men in Trees” for a third season. “Seven-thousand food trees can produce up to 1.75 million pounds of food each year,” reported Sally Johnston, a campaign coordinator. “That’s 70 million pounds of food over the lifetime of the trees and a lot of fresh air.”
