Cotton Incorporated wants consumers to know that they’re choosing green when they choose cotton. And, as Earth Day approaches, the company wants to highlight its environmentally-conscious practices.
Cotton Incorporated has reinforced its commitment to the environment by producing and participating in several special projects that communicate the importance of minimizing harm on the environmental footprint by being natural, sustainable, responsible and renewable.
One way that Cotton Incorporated has made it easy for consumers to identify 100% percent cotton products is by developing the new Natural(TM) trademark. This latest incarnation of the Seal of Cotton trademark is a timely reminder that cotton is a natural fiber and a natural part of consumers lives.
Another way that Cotton Incorporated is speaking to consumers is through the Go Green Expo taking place at the Hilton New York Hotel on April 26th and 27th. There will be a special seminar taking place on April 26th discussing the effects of going green titled “Cotton – The Natural Choice from Dirt to Shirt.”
Cotton Incorporated has also reached out to the college aged consumer with the COTTON. FROM BLUE TO GREEN(TM) denim drive; an environmentally aware initiative in which denim is recycled into UltraTouch natural cotton fiber insulation and is donated for rebuilding houses in the hurricane-affected Gulf Coast region.