- John Deere Agri Services has released an upgrade to the AGRIS business management system, focusing on improved processing speed with the use of an enhanced database engine. For more information, call 1-800-393-8971 or send an e-mail to AgriServices@JohnDeere.com. Information about the AGRIS Product Suite can also be found on the Web site.
- AgriLabs is awarding a total of $1,500 for scholarship grants to three state associations as an outcome of its booth promotion at the recent National Cattleman’s Beef Association Convention in Reno, Nev. The Nebraska Cattlemen Research & Education Foundation, Lincoln, Neb.; the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association, Bismarck, N.D.; and the Washington CattleWomen, Goldendale, Wash., each will receive $500 to be used for an educational scholarship for a deserving youth during 2008.
- DuPont announced its Pioneer Hi-Bred business has opened a new state-of-the-art canola production facility in Lethbridge, Canada, to meet an increased demand for its high-performing Pioneer(R) brand canola hybrids. The addition of the new seed production plant is part of the business’s strategy to be the canola market leader by 2012. Pioneer will increase its seed production acreage by 58 percent in 2008 to meet increased demand for its canola hybrids.