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Dr. Fred Below Says Use High Yielding Varieties

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Fred BelowIf you haven’t heard Dr. Fred Below, Professor of Plant Physiology, University of Illinois, speak then you’re missing something. He was part of a panel discussion on Maximizing Yield in Continuous Corn that filled the room. The Learning Center session was sponsored by Syngenta.

The first thing Dr. Below wanted growers to know is that they’ll take an approximate 10% yield penalty by doing corn on corn. He’s done a lot of work on how you go about mitigating that penalty. To do so he says you should utilize a high yielding hybrid and apply sufficient nitrogen. Of course it helps to have a little cooperation from the weather too since that’s the single biggest impact factor on yield. Another thing he suggests is planting more seed per acre since corn planted after corn often emerges poorly. For more information he recommends that growers contact their local extension offices where they’ll find a lot of information on this subject.

Listen to my interview with Dr. Below here: cc-08-below.mp3

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is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

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Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, Corn, New Holland, Syngenta