RFA Ethanol Podcast

Seed Stamina From BASF

Chuck Zimmerman

BASF Thanks to the folks at BASF you can hear Craig Lindholm talk about the new registration of their Stamina fungicide seed treatment.

Listen to Craig here: craig-lindholm.mp3

The recent registration by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of a new BASF seed treatment, to be marketed for corn seed under the name Stamina® fungicide, gives growers their best chance yet to get plants off to the right start.

“Stamina fungicide seed treatment helps control key seed and seedling diseases and improve stress tolerance,” said Craig Lindholm, marketing manager, seed treatments at BASF U.S. Crop Protection Products. “This delivers healthy plants right out of the ground as corn seedlings have a stronger start, resulting in increased yield potential.”

Field trials conducted throughout the U.S. during the 2006 and 2007 seasons confirm stand and yield improvements with Stamina. Seed and seedlings are better protected by Stamina from key diseases, such as Rhizoctonia. This is particularly important as earlier planting and increased use of no-till production systems may lead to slower emergence of seedlings due to cool, wet soils.

Agribusiness, Audio, BASF, Corn, Seed